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Publications in Scientific Journals:

    1. Vourdoubas, J. (2015). Creation of hotels with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use: a case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(8), 301-307.
    2. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Energy consumption and use of renewable energy sources in hotels: A case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(2), 75-87.
    3. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibility of using solar energy for the creation of carbon neutral hotels in Mediterranean countries, Energy and Environment Research, 9(1), 1-8. 
    4. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibilities of using hybrid solar PV/T systems and other solar energy technologies in hotels in the Mediterranean region, American Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 54(1), 162-172.
    5. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). Possibilities of using fuel cells for energy generation in Greek hotels, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(1), 51-58. 
    6. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Use of distributed generation technologies in hotels, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 5(1), 1-14.
    7. Vourdoubas, J. (2023).  Climate change adaptation of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(3), 1-13. 
    8. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). The impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 72-80. 
    9. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). The nexus between climate change and tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Regional Development, 10(1), 1-13.  
    10. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibilities of developing energy tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Energy Research, 2(4), 1-7. 
    11. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between agriculture and tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 8(2), 393-406.
    12. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). An appraisal of Over-tourism on the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 4(1), 63-77.
    13. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Estimating the use of distributed electricity generation technologies in tourism industry. In: Challenging issues on Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 7, Chapter 7, First Edition, Published by BP International.
    14. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Carbon neutral campsites due to operational energy use in the Mediterranean region. Are they feasible? American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 60(1), 202-211.
    15. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Possibilities of creating swimming pools with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use in them, Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation, 3(1), 1-9.
    16. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing religious tourism in western Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(9), 1-13. 
    17. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing thematic tourism related with digital nomads in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 63-72. 
    18. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between tourism and renewable energy resources in the island of Crete, Greece, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 63(1), 28-40.
    19. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The water-energy-tourism nexus in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 974-981. 
    20. Vourdoubas, J., Zorbas, K. & Kalogerakis, A. (2024). Potential and opportunities for the development of religious tourism in Western Crete, Greece,  American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 97(1), 132-149. 
    21. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Net-zero carbon emission hotels: Are they technically and economically feasible ? International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 1258-1266. 
    22. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Review of the benefits of green roofs, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(9), 7296-7310.

    23. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The undesired impacts of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced  Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(5), 868-874.

    24. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Evaluation of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 21-32.

    25. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The use of Chat GPT for the assessment of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece. A SWOT analysis, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(12), 8832-8841. 
    26. Vourdoubas, J. (2025). The use of Chat GPT in assessing the tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece. A PESTEL analysis, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 8(1), 57-70. 
    27. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Estimation of carbon emissions due to tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 7(2), 24-32.
    28. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Mitigation and Compensation of CO2 Emissions Due to International Tourism in the Island of Crete, Greece, Energy and Environment Research, 9(2), 61-69.

    29. Vourdoubas, J. (2025). The impacts of overtourism and climate crisis on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(1), 339-346. 

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Publications in Scientific Journals:

    1. Vourdoubas, J. (2015). Creation of hotels with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use: a case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(8), 301-307.
    2. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Energy consumption and use of renewable energy sources in hotels: A case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(2), 75-87.
    3. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibility of using solar energy for the creation of carbon neutral hotels in Mediterranean countries, Energy and Environment Research, 9(1), 1-8. 
    4. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibilities of using hybrid solar PV/T systems and other solar energy technologies in hotels in the Mediterranean region, American Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 54(1), 162-172.
    5. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). Possibilities of using fuel cells for energy generation in Greek hotels, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(1), 51-58. 
    6. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Use of distributed generation technologies in hotels, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 5(1), 1-14.
    7. Vourdoubas, J. (2023).  Climate change adaptation of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(3), 1-13. 
    8. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). The impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 72-80. 
    9. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). The nexus between climate change and tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Regional Development, 10(1), 1-13.  
    10. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibilities of developing energy tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Energy Research, 2(4), 1-7. 
    11. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between agriculture and tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 8(2), 393-406.
    12. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). An appraisal of Over-tourism on the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 4(1), 63-77.
    13. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Estimating the use of distributed electricity generation technologies in tourism industry. In: Challenging issues on Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 7, Chapter 7, First Edition, Published by BP International.
    14. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Carbon neutral campsites due to operational energy use in the Mediterranean region. Are they feasible? American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 60(1), 202-211.
    15. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Possibilities of creating swimming pools with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use in them, Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation, 3(1), 1-9.
    16. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing religious tourism in western Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(9), 1-13. 
    17. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing thematic tourism related with digital nomads in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 63-72. 
    18. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between tourism and renewable energy resources in the island of Crete, Greece, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 63(1), 28-40.
    19. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The water-energy-tourism nexus in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 974-981. 
    20. Vourdoubas, J., Zorbas, K. & Kalogerakis, A. (2024). Potential and opportunities for the development of religious tourism in Western Crete, Greece,  American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 97(1), 132-149. 
    21. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Net-zero carbon emission hotels: Are they technically and economically feasible ? International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 1258-1266. 
    22. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Review of the benefits of green roofs, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(9), 7296-7310.

    23. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The undesired impacts of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced  Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(5), 868-874.

    24. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Evaluation of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 21-32.

    25.  Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The use of Chat GPT for the assessment of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(12), 8832-8841. 
    26. Vourdoubas, J. (2025). The impacts of overtourism and climate crisis on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, 

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Publications in Scientific Journals:

    1. Vourdoubas, J. (2015). Creation of hotels with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use: a case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(8), 301-307.
    2. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Energy consumption and use of renewable energy sources in hotels: A case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(2), 75-87.
    3. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibility of using solar energy for the creation of carbon neutral hotels in Mediterranean countries, Energy and Environment Research, 9(1), 1-8. 
    4. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibilities of using hybrid solar PV/T systems and other solar energy technologies in hotels in the Mediterranean region, American Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 54(1), 162-172.
    5. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). Possibilities of using fuel cells for energy generation in Greek hotels, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(1), 51-58. 
    6. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Use of distributed generation technologies in hotels, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 5(1), 1-14.
    7. Vourdoubas, J. (2023).  Climate change adaptation of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(3), 1-13. 
    8. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). The impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 72-80. 
    9. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). The nexus between climate change and tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Regional Development, 10(1), 1-13.  
    10. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibilities of developing energy tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Energy Research, 2(4), 1-7. 
    11. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between agriculture and tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 8(2), 393-406.
    12. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). An appraisal of Over-tourism on the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 4(1), 63-77.
    13. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Estimating the use of distributed electricity generation technologies in tourism industry. In: Challenging issues on Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 7, Chapter 7, First Edition, Published by BP International.
    14. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Carbon neutral campsites due to operational energy use in the Mediterranean region. Are they feasible? American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 60(1), 202-211.
    15. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Possibilities of creating swimming pools with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use in them, Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation, 3(1), 1-9.
    16. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing religious tourism in western Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(9), 1-13. 
    17. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing thematic tourism related with digital nomads in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 63-72. 
    18. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between tourism and renewable energy resources in the island of Crete, Greece, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 63(1), 28-40.
    19. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The water-energy-tourism nexus in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 974-981. 
    20. Vourdoubas, J., Zorbas, K. & Kalogerakis, A. (2024). Potential and opportunities for the development of religious tourism in Western Crete, Greece,  American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 97(1), 132-149. 
    21. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Net-zero carbon emission hotels: Are they technically and economically feasible ? International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 1258-1266. 
    22. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Review of the benefits of green roofs, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(9), 7296-7310.

    23. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The undesired impacts of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced  Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(5), 868-874.

    24. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Evaluation of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 21-32.

    25.  Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The use of Chat GPT for the assessment of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(12), 8832-8841. 
    26. Vourdoubas, J. (2025). The impacts of overtourism and climate crisis on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced  Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(1), 339-346. 

Available through Amazon



Publications in Scientific Journals:

    1. Vourdoubas, J. (2015). Creation of hotels with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use: a case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(8), 301-307.
    2. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Energy consumption and use of renewable energy sources in hotels: A case study in Crete, Greece, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 4(2), 75-87.
    3. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibility of using solar energy for the creation of carbon neutral hotels in Mediterranean countries, Energy and Environment Research, 9(1), 1-8. 
    4. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Possibilities of using hybrid solar PV/T systems and other solar energy technologies in hotels in the Mediterranean region, American Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 54(1), 162-172.
    5. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). Possibilities of using fuel cells for energy generation in Greek hotels, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8(1), 51-58. 
    6. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Use of distributed generation technologies in hotels, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 5(1), 1-14.
    7. Vourdoubas, J. (2023).  Climate change adaptation of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(3), 1-13. 
    8. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). The impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 72-80. 
    9. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). The nexus between climate change and tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Regional Development, 10(1), 1-13.  
    10. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). Possibilities of developing energy tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Energy Research, 2(4), 1-7. 
    11. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between agriculture and tourism in the island of Crete, Greece, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 8(2), 393-406.
    12. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). An appraisal of Over-tourism on the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Global Sustainability, 4(1), 63-77.
    13. Vourdoubas, J. (2021). Estimating the use of distributed electricity generation technologies in tourism industry. In: Challenging issues on Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol. 7, Chapter 7, First Edition, Published by BP International.
    14. Vourdoubas, J. (2019). Carbon neutral campsites due to operational energy use in the Mediterranean region. Are they feasible? American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 60(1), 202-211.
    15. Vourdoubas, J. (2016). Possibilities of creating swimming pools with zero CO2 emissions due to energy use in them, Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation, 3(1), 1-9.
    16. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing religious tourism in western Crete, Greece, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(9), 1-13. 
    17. Vourdoubas, J. (2023). Possibilities of developing thematic tourism related with digital nomads in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(6), 63-72. 
    18. Vourdoubas, J. (2020). The nexus between tourism and renewable energy resources in the island of Crete, Greece, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 63(1), 28-40.
    19. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The water-energy-tourism nexus in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 974-981. 
    20. Vourdoubas, J., Zorbas, K. & Kalogerakis, A. (2024). Potential and opportunities for the development of religious tourism in Western Crete, Greece,  American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 97(1), 132-149. 
    21. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Net-zero carbon emission hotels: Are they technically and economically feasible ? International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(3), 1258-1266. 
    22. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Review of the benefits of green roofs, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(9), 7296-7310.

    23. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The undesired impacts of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced  Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(5), 868-874.

    24. Vourdoubas, J. (2024). Evaluation of overtourism in the island of Crete, Greece, European Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 21-32.

    25.  Vourdoubas, J. (2024). The use of Chat GPT for the assessment of tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(12), 8832-8841. 
    26. Vourdoubas, J. (2025). The impacts of overtourism and climate crisis on tourism industry in the island of Crete, Greece, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 5(1), 339-346.  
    27. Vourdoubas, J. (2022). “Mitigation and Compensation of CO2 Emissions Due to International Tourism in the Island of Crete, Greece,” Energy and Environment Research, 9(2), 61-69.