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9# Use of wind turbines in hotels

Small wind turbine installed in a hotel
Small wind turbine installed in a hotel

Wind turbines are used for electricity generation. When the average annual wind velocity at the hotel premises or nearby is satisfactory one or more wind turbines can be installed generating electricity. Alternativelly hotels can install wind turbines in other sites generating electricity reducing their electricity bills.

The Marriott Heathrow hotel, UK has become the first hotel in the Marriott Group to be fitted with a hybrid wind turbine and solar panel system as part of their ongoing ‘Green Initiative’. As an integral part of their program to reduce the hotel group’s carbon footprint, the hybrid wind-solar system has helped them attain ‘Gold’ certification under the Green Tourism for London scheme.

In Kansas, a hotel was destroyed by a tornado, but its owner rebuilt a greener version of the hotel with wind energy that covers half of its electricity bill each month.

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