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Home » Green Technologies » 17# A hotel with zero carbon footprint – Hotel Marcel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

17# A hotel with zero carbon footprint – Hotel Marcel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA


A model for sustainability within the hospitality industry, Hotel Marcel is committed to doing what we can to tackle the global climate crisis. As a 100% electric hotel that operates fossil fuel free, Hotel Marcel has created a new standard for environmentally-friendly hotel operations.

Hotel Marcel is proud to be LEED Platinum certified, is anticipated to be the nation’s first Passive House certified hotel as well as the nation’s first Net Zero hotel by the end of 2025.


In order to combat the global climate change crisis, Hotel Marcel is committed to a zero-carbon approach to hotel operations. By using 100% renewable energy and eliminating the use of fossil fuels, every year Hotel Marcel has a carbon reduction impact equivalent to creating 846 acres of mature forest. By staying at Hotel Marcel, you are doing your part to mitigate climate change and improve the future of our planet.


Designed to eliminate carbon emissions, Hotel Marcel operates completely independent of fossil fuels. The hotel’s heating and cooling system, hot water heating, laundry facilities, kitchen, and more are all powered by electricity. In addition, the hotel is home to 12 Tesla Superchargers, 12 universal EV chargers, and an all-electric hotel shuttle.


With over 1,000 solar panels covering the hotel’s roof and parking canopies and two battery rooms providing energy storage, Hotel Marcel is one of the most environmentally-friendly hotels in the world.


Hotel Marcel is committed to sustainable hotel operations. From the specialty kitchen equipment, to the in-house laundry facility, and the composting and recycling program, Hotel Marcel is constantly seeking ways to resolve the global climate crisis.


Having already achieved LEED Platinum certification, Hotel Marcel is on track to receive the Passive House certification and net-zero certification. All award programs recognize hotels who meet rigorous energy-efficiency requirements, with Hotel Marcel proudly meeting these.

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